Saturday, January 05, 2008


I had taken a hiatus from the blogging world. I was in India during Thanksgiving break and returned a little before Christmas. I missed writing my random nonsense hence I am back to the blogosphere. Last evening K and I went to see the movie "Juno." Here is the review from New York Times. We went to the Princeton Garden Theatre in downtown Princeton. I prefer that to the multiplexes because it takes me back to my childhood and young adulthood and reminds me of the theatres back then, which was a more family experience than these crazy multiplexes with 24 movies playing at a time!

We enjoyed the movie thoroughly especially for a humorous take on a rather grim situation, which is teenage pregnancy. Neither does it have a high handed moralistic take on this situation nor does it trivialize it. I especially loved the humorous writing and dialogues. I love sarcastic humor and people who come with sarcastic and intelligent retorts make me laugh....hence I enjoyed it for that. On a deeper note the fact that a 16-year old girl is sexually active and gets impregnated by her 16-year old boy friend is very disturbing. What was more disturbing in the beginning of the movie was that her father and step-mother were totally unaware that she was sexually active? One would think that it is a highly dysfunctional family but then they rally around her and support her makes you tear up. Initially Juno seemed like a precocious teenager who irritates you but then you end up loving the character for the maturity she displays. You watch her grow from the cocky teenager into this mature young adult and find true love with the boy friend. She puts up her baby for adoption with a yuppy couple in their thirties and you watch how the facades are dropped and their true personalities are revealed. The ending is very sweet and therefore makes the movie very enjoyable.

PS: I cried at the ending and even sobbed. I think K might have been a little embarassed when we walked out of the theater as my face was all puffy and red!


Lisa Johnson said...

Happy New Year Sai! It's great to see you back! I had almost given up on seeing you here again. Juno sounds like a great movie. I've only heard the best of things about it. I'll have to see it! ; )

FH said...

That's where you were, enjoying India!!:))

Good to see you back. Now you know why I need time to talk to kids! Thankfully, Trisha has chosen NOT to have a boyfriend while she is in High school. I would rather have her wait until she is atleast 21 to develop any serous relationship! All the HS romances are temporary, glad she is doing well so far. Got to talk to the boy now!! His 12-13yr friends have girl friends already! Can you bloody believe it?!!! My oh my!!
I am not a prude but at 12, you are kissing a girl and you have the self control to stop it right there!!!! ooh!! Scary to me!

Lotus Reads said...

Hi, Sai!

Visiting your blog after ages ( that's because I knew you were on hiatus) and was quite surprised (and pleased) to read your impressions on "Juno" for coincidently I saw it with my 16-year old this evening. I, too, find the idea of 16-year olds being sexually active quite disturbing. Juno was a great movie, but like I told my 16-year old, it is a movie, real-life teenage pregnancies do not always end the way Juno's did. I don't want impressionable teenagers thinking that it's OK to get pregnant and all you have to do is find some nice family to adopt your kid. Somehow the movies make it look so simple. Anyways it gave me the opportunity to discuss certain issues with her, so in that respect I was happy .

HOw are you doing Sai? Really nice to see a post from you. Keep 'em coming!

Beenzzz said...

I really want to see this movie. I've hear so many wonderful things about it! Glad to see you back from hiatus. :)

Sai said...

Hey Anali: I am glad to be back too. I enjoyed my interaction with all my blogging buddies!

Hey Asha: My mother always said that it was easier bringing up girls as they supposed to be more "responsible." I don't know if that is true but perhaps it could be because her 3 daughters were such angels....ha ha ha.

Sai said...

Hi Lotus:
I am curious as to why you were surprised to read my impressions.

I am glad you took this opportunity to communicate with your 16 year old. This way it makes a lot of sense to the kids and you get your point across without sounding "uncool."

I totally agree with you and not only think that the kids should not think it is OK to get fact they should know that it is NOT OK to be sexually active at such a young age! (I am imagining myself like a typical Indian "aunty" wagging my finger while typing this! ha ha ha)

Hey Beenz:
It is a fab movie and very enjoyable.

Lotus Reads said...

Hi, Sai!

Forgive me, but I phrased my sentence all wrong. I meant I was surprised to see a post from you...didn't mean to say I was surprised at what you had to say, sorry, my bad, blame it on the lateness of the hour! :)